If you’ve already received funding for your Creative People and Places programme, there are several ways we can help to maximise your impact and learning:

Programme Evaluation

  • We work with lead CPP organisations and consortia providing both formative and summative evaluation. Using mixed methodology research approaches tailored for your programme and communities, we ensure that you have robust evidence to monitor impact and help you to make evidence based strategic decisions.

Critical friend and ongoing consultancy support

  • Drawing on findings from evaluation reporting, or as part of regular review meetings, we can facilitate reflective learning with lead organisations, consortia or boards.

Image of Creative People and Places | Inspire Your Community
Creative People and Places | Inspire Your Community

Creative People and Places is about more people choosing, creating and taking part in brilliant art experiences in the places where they live.

Image of Get Started | New to Creative People and Places?
Get Started | New to Creative People and Places?

If you’re interested in becoming a Creative People and Place, The Audience Agency can support you in the development phase of your programme in various ways: