Evidence to help build an understanding of how audiences have engaged differently with mainstream, classical and contemporary Performing Arts before, during and moving out of the pandemic.

Cultural Participation Monitor Key Findings:

  • 47% of surveyed audiences agreed or strongly agreed that their local area was well served with opportunities to attend live performance, while 26% disagreed or strongly disagreed.
  • 61% thought they attended the performing arts the same amount during the pandemic years as in those immediately preceding it, while 14% thought they had done it more often, and 25% thought they did it less often.
  • 30% of all respondents had plans to see a live performance in the next 2 months.
  • Overall, audiences expected to be attending live performances less than they did pre-pandemic (14% more often vs. 25% less often, 11% net less often) but slightly closer to home (6% net closer).

Where else Performing Arts Audiences engage

Performing Arts Cross Sector.png

Explore our findings through the Pandemic:

Culture Interests

When asked to rate the arts they are interested by certain categories from 0-10, the percentage rating their specific interest as being 8-10 was:

  • 12% for ‘popular or mainstream
  • 9% for ‘classical or traditional
  • 7% for ‘contemporary or modern’.

Breaking that down a little further:

When asked about their more popular or mainstream cultural interests:
  • 44% of all respondents expressed an interest in musicals,
  • and 45% in plays.
And in terms of classical arts:
  • 20% expressed an interest in opera,
  • 22% in ballet,
  • and 36% in classical music.
While contemporary or modern:
  • 22% expressed an interest in contemporary dance,
  • and a majority, 65%, expressed an interest in music gigs (e.g. pop, rock, hip hop).

In-person Attendance

In the 12 months before the pandemic:

Popular or Mainstream:

  • 19% had seen a play,
  • and 17% had seen a musical,

Classical Arts:

  • 4% had seen the opera,
  • 5% had seen the ballet,
  • and 7% had attended a classical music concert.

Contemporary or Modern:

  • 3% had seen contemporary dance,
  • and 19% had been to a live music gig.

During or since the Covid-19 pandemic:

Popular or Mainstream:

  • 11% of respondents had seen a play (23% of Metroculturals),
  • and 10% had seen a musical.

Classical Arts:

  • 3% had been to the opera,
  • 3% had seen the ballet
  • and 5% attended a classical music concert (19% of Metroculturals).

Contemporary or Modern:

Breaking that down a little further:

For the activity of seeing a play at the theatre or other venue:

  • this tended to be done locally (38% said the journey was up to 30 mins, 30% said up to 1 hour).
  • The most important reasons were to be entertained (36%) and to do something sociable, spend time with others (22%).
  • 85% found the experience met these expectations and 77% said it had a positive effect on their wellbeing.
  • 83% were quite or very satisfied with the steps taken to ensure Covid-19 safety and 59% are prepared to return if these measures stay the same while 31% would with some reservations.

For the activity of seeing a classical music concert:

  • this tended to be local (32% said the journey was up to 30 mins, 36% said it was up to one hour).
  • The most important reasons were to relax, take your mind of things (22%), to be entertained (19%) and to be inspired or stimulated (19%).
  • 81% found the experience met these expectations and 77% said it had a positive effect on their wellbeing.
  • 89% were quite or very satisfied with the steps taken to ensure Covid-19 safety and 54% were prepared to return if these measures stay the same while 36% would with some reservations.

For the activity of seeing a live music gig:

  • this was slightly less local (37% said the journey was up to 30 mins, 26% said it was up to 1 hour and 22% said it was more than an hour).
  • The most important reasons were to be entertained (42%) and to do something sociable, spend time with others (28%).
  • 89% found the experience met these expectations and 84% said it had a positive effect on their wellbeing.
  • 81% were quite or very satisfied with the steps taken to ensure Covid-19 safety and 62% were prepared to return if these measures stayed the same while 29% would with some reservations.

Online Attendance

During vs Pre-Pandemic Attendance:

Of those who engaged with online arts during Covid-19:

  • 43% said they were doing it more often since the pandemic,
  • 27% said they did it, the same amount and 7% had done it less.
  • 22% did this for the first time during the pandemic.
  • 78% did it in 2020, while 55% did it in 2021, showing a drop in online attendance.
  • 39% said the activity was provided by an organisation they had attended physically in the past.

Experience ratings:

  • 87% rated their experienced as good or very good.
  • The main reasons for participating were to be entertained (44%) and to relax, take your mind of things (19%).
  • 87% said these expectations were met and
  • 78% said the experience had a positive impact on their wellbeing.

Participation and Payment:

  • In terms of future online participation, 43% of all respondents said they had something specific they wanted to see or do (9%) or were interested but not in something specific (34%). These figures were higher than those for the other online activities suggested.
  • In terms of payment models, 66% were quite or very willing to make a donation, 60% to pay a fixed price for access and 38% to take up a paid-for subscription.

Creative Activities

To contextualise, we've looked a little into Performing Arts audiences' more general cultural activities during the pandemic:

  • Since the Covid-19 pandemic, 11% of all respondents had played a musical instrument for pleasure and 5% took part in organised singing (e.g. choir), amateur dramatics or dance.
  • Those playing musical instruments tended to do this frequently, with 50% doing it 4 or 5 times, whereas those participating in organised singing of amateur dramatics/dance did this a bit less (14% did it 4 or 5 times, whereas 45% did it 2 or 3 times). For both activities, just 4% did it for the first time during the pandemic.